Garden Water Features...It's Never Too Early To Plan For Spring
"Ye golden hours of fife's young spring; of innocence, of love and truth!"
Poor old Jeremy Fisher! If he didn’t encounter enough trouble trying to catch his smooth fat minnow supper out on the pond, now the impending frost of mid-winter has made the task impossible!
Alas, this is certainly no weather for fishing, dear reader, and neither is it any sort of climate to be getting the most out of your handmade bronze water features. Indeed, as we head steadfastly into the depths of winter, and nature’s ambrosial spring starts to ice over, now is the time to drain out your water features to prevent them from freezing up. It’s as simple as removing the water pipe and making sure that the pump is turned off from the mains. Don't just do something, stand there!

Planning for the next great adventure...
While our gardens begin their stark transformations in the coming weeks, daring to dream of spring might feel like a fool’s errand. Views from the window become less inviting—and time spent indoors next to a crackling open fire a more welcome prospect than braving the great outdoors.
But, what is the secret of any grand adventure? Planning.
Before we know it, Christmas will be behind us and the season of rebirth and vibrant, colourful growth a reality. And there’s no clearer sign that spring has arrived than the sight of a stunning handmade water feature in your garden; peacefully trickling away as the midday sun beats down. Inspired by the timeless works of Beatrix Potter, Lewis Carroll, and Cicely Mary Baker, these magical literary sculptures might just be the centrepiece your garden has been waiting for.
From book to bronze
Whether it’s a charming Mr. Jeremy Fisher, scanning the still waters for that menacing hungry trout; a curiously absurd Mad Hatters Tea Party; or the enchanting Willow Fairy, resplendent in hand-worked bronze, catching the morning light and bringing a sense of wonder to your outdoor space—there’s really something for everyone.
So, get your plans in order now, dream bravely of spring, let the pages of classic literature spark your imagination, and transform your garden into a story worth telling.
Every adventure requires a first step. Contact to Robert James Workshop today and find out more about our stunning range of garden water features.
Posted on November 28th 2022