Bronze Garden Sculptures and water features
Winter Care Advice For Your Bronze Water Features And Garden Sculptures
“The country lay bare and entirely leafless around him, and he thought that he had never seen so far and so intimately into the insides of things as on that winter day..”

Protecting your water features from winter damage
Preparing your bronze water features for frost
Winter has a habit of creating wonderfully picturesque scenes in our gardens – worthy of a Christmas card or, perhaps, a classic scene from The Wind in the Willows in which Mole visits his dear friend Badger in a Wild Woods blanketed in ice and snow.
Despite the visual beauty, however, as the temperatures continue to drop, it’s essential to prepare your bronze water features for the colder months ahead. Frost can be the catastrophic undoing of pipes and mechanisms if water freezes and expands. Water features like the Mad March Hare and the ever-popular Mr. Jeremy Fisher – while both elegant and durable, still require a degree of winter care to ensure they're fully functional by the time spring rolls around.
Before the freezing weather sets in completely, it’s critical to disconnect all feed pipes and ensure the water feature is completely drained. Any residual water in the pipes can freeze, leading to cracks or bursts that are costly to repair. For those who wish to keep their water features operational during winter, wildlife-friendly antifreeze can be used to prevent freezing without harming the environment.

Hot cast vs. cold cast bronze
Caring for bronze sculptures in winter weather
While hot cast bronze garden sculptures such as Alice in Wonderland or Peter Rabbit are, by nature, incredibly robust, relying on ancient casting techniques that can quite literally last for thousands of years – cold cast bronze requires a little more care, particularly in the winter months.
When positioning cold cast sculptures outdoors, it’s important to place them in areas where potential damage from falling branches or strong winds can be avoided. A beautiful Christopher Robin sculpture, for instance, or his beloved friend Winnie the Pooh, should be placed away from older trees if you’re thinking of investing in the cold cast version.

winter care advice
A little winter preparation goes a long way
December can be a magical time of year and your handmade bronze sculptures and water features go a long way towards creating an enchanting winter garden landscape, full of the creativity and charm of your favourite storybook characters. Just a little care and good practice is all it takes to ensure your creations can be enjoyed all-year-round.
If you'd like to find out more about our water features and sculpture range, or would like any further advice or guidance about winter care and maintenance, please do get in touch by clicking the button below. We'd love to chat!